Indonesia: Year Programme
10 February | Year of the Snake |
17 February | Anniversary of International Red Cross |
09 March | Indonesian Traditional Music Instruments |
06 April | JIS Indonesia Mexico |
01 May | 50 Years of Liberation of West Irian |
02 May | 100 Years of Ki Hadjar Dewantara Article |
10 May | Australia |
05 June | Environmental Care |
14 June | 100th Anniversary of Indonesian Archaeological Institute |
23 July | SOS Children’s Village Indonesia |
02 August | Thailand |
08 August | JIS Indonesia Suriname |
26 August | Indonesian Postal Services |
17 September | JIS Indonesia South Korea |
05 October | Indonesian Army |
05 November | Flora and Fauna |
31 December | Indonesian Traditional Calendars |
Year of the Snake, 2013
Issue Date: 22nd Janaury 2013 Values: 3v + ss + mini sheet
Theme: Special Chinese New Year Stamp Size: 25.31 x 41.06
Gumming: PVA Paper: Tullis Russel
Printing: 4 colours + 1 invisible ink Designer: Guruh Ramdani, Bambang Sonjaya
Printer: Perum PERURI Printing Process: Offset
Sales Period: Six months from issue date
In Indonesia the Chinese lunar New Year is a national holiday and this year it falls on 10th February 2013.
Naja Sputatrix (Indonesian Cobra) the colour of the snake varies between regions. It can grow up to two metres and likes warm damp habitats.
Dewa Ruci is a legend of a Javanese traditional puppet play called wayang.
Naga Seba is a batik design depicting a snake and birds (wings). This typical Cirebon design is also used in glass paintings.
Ratu Boko Palace, 2013
Issue Date: 20th February, 2013 Values: 2v
Theme: Special Stamp Size: 25.31 x 41.06
Gumming: PVA Paper: Tullis Russel
Printing: 4 separation + 1 invisible ink Printer: Perum PERURI
Printing Process: Offset Sales Period: Six months from issue date
Photographs: Courtesy of PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan & Ratu Boko (Persero)
Ratu Boko Palace is an archaeological site in the form of a royal palace of old Mataram Kingdom from the 8th Century.
Sumunaring Abhyagiri a contemporary Java dance performed at the site telling the story of the royal family.
Traditional Music Instruments, 2013
Issue Date: 9th March, 2013 Values: 11v
Theme: Indonesian Music Instruments Stamp Size: 41.06 x 25.31
Gumming: PVA Paper: Tullis Russel
Printing: 4 separation + 1 invisible ink Designer: Pidi Baiq
Printer: Perum PERURI Printing Process: Offset
Sales Period: Six months from issue date
JIS Indonesia-Mexico, 2013
Issue Date: 6th April, 2013 Values: 2v
Theme: Special Stamp Size: 41.06 x 25.31
Gumming: PVA Paper: Tullis Russel
Printing: 4 separation + 1 invisible ink Designer: KoeZ
Printer: Perum PERURI Printing Process: Offset
Sales Period: Six months from issue date
Bornean Clouded Leopard endemic to the island of Kalimantan
Mexican Jaguar is the only Panthera species found in the Americas
50 Years of Liberation of West Irian, 2013
Issue Date: 1st May, 2013 Values: 3v
Theme: Commemorative Stamp Size: 41.06 x 25.31
Gumming: PVA Paper: Tullis Russel
Printing: 4 separation + 1 invisible ink Perforation: 12.75 x 13.50
Printing Process: Offset Printer: Perum PERURI
Sales Period: Six months from issue date Designer: The winners of Indonesia Stamp Design Contest 2012
On 15th August 1962 negotiations between Indonesia and the Netherlands were held at UN Headquarters in New York. At the talks Indonesia was represented by Soebandrio and the Netherlands was represented by Jan Herman Van Roijen and C. W. A. Schurmann.
On 1st May 1963 the United Nations Temporary Executive Authority handed over the administration of Western Irian to Indonesia.
100 Years of Ki Hadjar Dewantara’s Article, 2013
Issue Date: 2nd May, 2013 Values: 1v
Theme: Commemorative Stamp Size: 41.06 x 25.31
Gumming: PVA Paper: Tullis Russel
Printing: 4 separation + 1 invisible ink Perforation: 12.75 x 13.50
Printing Process: Offset Printer: Perum PERURI
Sales Period: Six months from issue date Designer: Manchoe
As a writer and journalist, Ki Hadjar Dewantara (born Raden Mas Soewardi Soerjaningrat) often wrote scathing criticism of the Dutch Government, was eventually arrested and exiled to the island of Bangka. In 1913 was taken to The Netherlands along with Douwes Dekker and Dr. Tjipto Mangoenkoesoemo who became known as “Tiga Serangkai”
150th Anniversary: International Red Cross, 2013
Issue Date: 8th May, 2013 Values: 2v
Theme: Commemorative Stamp Size: 41.06 x 25.31
Gumming: PVA Paper: Tullis Russel
Printing: 4 separation + 1 invisible ink Perforation: 12.75 x 13.50
Printing Process: Offset Printer: Perum PERURI
Sales Period: Six months from issue date Designer: Indra Yogasara
Since the organisation was founded in February 1863 in Geneva, Switzerland the sole objective has been to ensure protection and assistance for victims of armed conflicts and strife around the world. This is done by direct action and encouraging the development of international humanitarian law.
The World Stamp Expo Australia, 2013
Issue Date: 10th May, 2013 Values: 2 souvenir sheets
Theme: Special Stamp Size: 41.06 x 25.31
Gumming: PVA Paper: Tullis Russel
Printing: 4 separation + 1 invisible ink Perforation: 12.75 x 13.50
Printing Process: Offset Printer: Perum PERURI
Sales Period: Six months from issue date Designer: Teguh Wiyanto
The Exhibition held at the Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne hosted more than 30 countries.
Environment Care, 2013
Issue Date: 5th June, 2013 Values: 2v plus ss
Theme: Special Stamp Size: 41.06 x 25.31
Gumming: PVA Paper: Tullis Russel
Printing: 4 separation + 1 invisible ink Perforation: 12.75 x 13.50
Printing Process: Offset Printer: Perum PERURI
Sales Period: Six months from issue date Designer: Guruh Ramdani
This year’s them for the World Environment Day is “THINK-EAT-SAVE” hoping to encourage better awareness and impact of food consumption and resulting waste.
100 Years of Indonesian Archaeological Institute, 2013
Issue Date: 14th June, 2013 Values: 2v plus ss
Theme: Commemorative Stamp Size: 41.06 x 25.31
Gumming: PVA Paper: Tullis Russel
Printing: 4 separation + 1 invisible ink Perforation: 12.75 x 13.50
Printing Process: Offset Printer: Perum PERURI
Sales Period: Six months from issue date
The Institute was established in 1913. The first Indonesian Leader was Drs. R. Soekmono. Throughout the years the Institute has protected and restored the nation’s cultural heritage.
1 / 2 Cave Painting of Uhallie SS Relief Panel Borobudur Temple
2 / 2 Relief of Ramayana Fragment of Prambanan Temple “Buddha attained enlightenment”
SOS Children’s Village, 2013
Issue Date: 23rd July, 2013 Values: 2v
Theme: Special Stamp Size: 41.06 x 25.31
Gumming: PVA Paper: Tullis Russel
Printing: 4 separation + 1 invisible ink Printer: Perum PERURI
Printing Process: Offset Designer: ArCom
Sales Period: Six months from issue date
SOS Children’s Villages founded in 1949 and is established in 132 countries. There are 8 SOS Villages in Indonesia with more than 7,000 children treated or educated and over 1,000 actually living in the villages. The age range of the children is infant to 21 years. The majority of the children continue to live with their own families or foster homes.
The World Stamp Expo Thailand, 2013
Issue Date: 2nd August, 2013 Values: 1 souvenir sheet
Theme: Special Stamp Size: 41.06 x 25.31
Gumming: PVA Paper: Tullis Russel
Printing: 4 colour separation + 1 invisible ink Perforation: 12.75 x 13.50
Printing Process: Offset Printer: Perum PERURI
Sales Period: Six months from issue date Designer: Teguh Wiyanto
This exhibition was held in the Royal Paragon Hall, Bangkok, Thailand.
Indonesian Postal Services, 2013
Issue Date: 26th August, 2013 Values: 6 values
Stamp Size: 3 x 21 x 26mm; 3 x 24 x 32 mm Format: 3 in sheets of 50 1v stamps;
FDC: 3 with 2 stamps on each 3 in sheets of 32 1v stamps
Gumming: PVA Paper: Tullis Russel
Printing: 4 colour separation + 1 invisible ink Perforation: 12.75 x 13.50
Printing Process: Offset Printer: Perum PERURI
Sales Period: Six months from issue date Designer: Anwar Firdaus
Joint Issue Indonesia South Korea, 2013
Issue Date: 17th September, 2013 Values: 2
Theme: Special Stamp Size: 40.00 x 30.00 mm
Gumming: PVA Paper: Tullis Russel
Printing: 4 colour separation + 1 invisible ink Perforation: 12.75 x 13.50
Printing Process: Offset Printer: Perum PERURI
Sales Period: Six months from issue date Designer: ROH Junghwa / Koez Kusdiana
40th Anniversary of Indonesia – Korea Diplomatic Relations.
National Philatelic Exhibition, Bandoeng, 2013
Issue Date: 25th September, 2013 Values: SS
Theme: Special Sheet Size: 123 x 74 mm
Gumming: PVA Paper: Tullis Russel
Printing: 4 colour separation + 1 invisible ink Perforation: 12.75 x 13.50
Printing Process: Offset
Sales Period: Six months from issue date
Garuda Contingent, 2013
Issue Date: 5th October, 2013 Values: 4v
Theme: Special Stamp Size: 40.00 x 30.00 mm
Gumming: PVA Paper: Tullis Russel
Printing: 4 colour separation + 1 invisible ink Perforation: 12.75 x 13.50
Printing Process: Offset Photographs: Courtesy of PMPP-TNI
Printer: Perum PERURI Sales Period: Six months from issue date
Flora and Fauna, 2013
Issue Date: 5th November, 2013 Values: 2v plus ss
Theme: Special Stamp Size: 41.06 x 25.31
Gumming: PVA Paper: Tullis Russel
Printing: 4 separation + 1 invisible ink Perforation: 12.75 x 13.50
Printing Process: Offset Printer: Perum PERURI
Sales Period: Six months from issue date Designer: Hari Mintaredja
(Pristis microdon)
This fresh water shark lives in Lake Sentani.
Due to its specific habitat it is now on the near extinct list of endangered species.
(Metrosylon sago Rottb)
This endemic plant species found mainly in Papua area is a part of the staple diet of the Papua and Maluku people. This plant can also be distilled into ethanol.